On 3 May, Makhar Vasiev, artistic director of the Bolshoi Ballet, announced plans for the troupe’s 2018-2019 season. They include the following dates and premieres, in addition to the regularly rotating classical repertoire:
▪️ 20 November 2018, Artefact Suite by Forsythe and Petrushka by Edward Clug (world premiere).
▪️ 1 February 2019, Gala Concert in honour of Ekaterina Maximova.
▪️ 4 April 2019, Christopher Wheeldon’s “A Winter’s Tale”.
▪️13 June 2019, Maurice Bejart’s “Gaite Parisienne” and Balanchine’s “Symphony in C”.
▪️ 19 July 2019, a world premiere by Slava Samodurov.
There will also be live broadcasts of La Sylphide (11 Nov. 2018), The Nutcracker (Dec 2018), La Bayadere (20 Jan. 2019), and Carmen Suite/Petrushka (19 May 2019).
The company will tour to Milan in September 2018, will spend 3 weeks in London over late July/early August 2019, and will travel to Australia for a large tour in June.